About Conference
Conference series LTD cordially invites all participants across the globe to attend the 6
th International Conference on
Big Data Analysis and
Data Mining (Data Mining 2019) which is going to be held during July 25-26 in London, the UK to share the
Future Technologies for Knowledge Discoveries in Data" and technology. The main theme of the conference is “
Future Technologies for Knowledge Discoveries in Data".
This conference aimed to expand its coverage in the areas of Big Data
and Data Mining where expert talks, young researcher’s presentations
will be placed in every session of the meeting will be inspired and keep
up your enthusiasm. We feel our expert Organizing Committee is our
major asset. However, your presence over the venue will add one more
feather to the crown of
Data Mining 2019.
Conference Highlights
Special Issues
See more at: https://datamining.expertconferences.org/